Friday, August 24, 2012

Growing Too Fast!

Lydia turned 4 months old this week!   Here she is trying out the bumbo seat with Ian helping to make sure she doesn't fall...

 Ian's love for Lydia seems to grow each day. He likes her to lay next to him and then he will lean over and give her hugs. Sometimes he wants to hold her, all by himself of course, which can get a little tricky. Overall, he's very good and Lydia is so laid back that she doesn't seem to mind when he tries to pick her up!

 Lydia LOVES to watch Ian. In this photo, she can't take her eyes off him!
 Lydia is ticklish and loves to give Mommy and Daddy smiles. This afternoon, she was giving the smiles left and right...

 And then with all the excitement, she spit up. She spits up quite a bit more than Ian did. The doctor said it's nothing to be worried about, just hard because we go through so many outfits in one day!
 My Sweetie pies cuddling...
A look ahead: I asked Ian what he wanted to be for Halloween and he replied "Um, a birthday cake!" I better start looking for that costume!

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Lilypie Second Birthday tickers