Saturday, March 27, 2010

4 Months and Growing!

Ian had his 4 month well baby doctor appointment on Friday. Ian weighs 15lbs. 1 oz, which puts him in the 60% for weight and he's in the 70% for height!

Ian does have cradle cap, so the doctor gave us directions on how the eliminate it.
We also get to start Ian on rice cereal and baby food veggies! I'm excited for this, I have a feeling there will be more food on Ian (and Kurt and I) than in Ian, but it's another phase of Ian's development. I say this every post, but I still can't believe how fast Ian is growing! Everyday he seems stronger.

Ian still has his sweet disposition and gives us big smiles, giggles and laughs every morning and most nights.

Ian has started to sleep through the night - only waking twice a night compared to the every two hour schedule we have had for the last 4 months! I'm hoping that we are on the last few nights of getting up every few hours!

Here is a photo of me as a baby next to a photo of Ian:


averysmom said...

Oh Ian, you do look like your Mama when she was a baby. We can't wait to see your personality in just a few short weeks. Eat up your veggies and cereal in the meantime.

Your IL Family

Nana Klocek said...

There is my bright eyed boy!
Your Mommy is right, you are getting bigger and stronger everyday. It is so fun to see how much you have grown each time I see you.
I love your big smiles and giggles too, makes Nana's heart smile each time.
Love you little one,

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers